Sunday, September 23, 2007

Of Great Ocean Road

Great Ocean Road, left at 8am and return at 7.30 pm, well, what can I say about it, the view is awesome but too bad I ain't a scenic kinda guy but heck, my girlfriend is, and if she's having fun and enjoying herself...why not (:
The only complaint is the windy roads that almost made Serena and I puke =P
And because we wanted to save some cash we join a SPECIAL TOUR aka China tour, Ni Men Hao!!! Man, it wasn't so bad, not only did we get to save some cash but we got to brush up our Mandrin too =_='' the only downside is the bus kinda stink, well I'm not saying its them, maybe the bus haven't been wash in a long time >.<
"I can push a Mountain!"

"I'm stronger than the rock." (shhh, the main reason why this picture is here is to show off my new nudie jeans =P)

Introducing the famous hole in the rock, rock. Woooahhhh =P

The beach is awesome.

Serena and Jian
Very sunny, i need lalat shades!

"Its not who you are, but not being apologetic of who you are which makes you attractive." (Serena, 2007)

..It struck me, something like a revelation. So what if you're bend over backwards nice, eager to please, love making a fool out of yourself or way to kind for your own good... The key is not being sorry for who you are but embrace it and play it to your strength (:

That's what females find attractive and what males respect, being true to oneself. My 2 cents, if you ain't the tough guy type and is bend over-backwards nice, don't fret, but be proud of who you are.

And its going to be interesting to see how the news of the "fixing" of judges unfold. Hope the government does the right thing and take stern action on all those involved >.<>

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Of .......

Have you ever walked up to someone and said hello and realize he/she isn't the person you thought he/she was?

On the tram heading back to Lygon street
"Hey, how are you man." *gives the typical male handshake.
"Hey, I'm good. Yourself? *had this do i know you look written on his face.
"I'm good, I'm good, are u going for the Trinity College play?"
"Huh, Trinity college play?"

Oh crap, hahahaha mistaken Anup for another Indian guy. Hey, i swear to you its an honest mistake. And i made a new friend alright. His name is Ashwin! Take that =P

I realize I know little. Very little. I'm proud, too proud of my strengths. Mind you, I know very well what my weakness are and thus the pride I have. I could accept constructive criticism on my weaknesses, but as soon as you come anyway near my strengths, i would shut whatever you have to say about it out. I would ignore the words you say and it would have no effect. But the past few weeks made me realize what little I know. What I need is to be humbled, break down and torn apart before being able to learn this very valuable lesson.

Got to learn how to submit to authority, rebellious by nature, I find having someone above me hard. Really hard. Submitting to someone who have benefit in return isn't hard, e.g. employer-employee relationship. Its submitting to peers which i find hard. To be a good leader you must first be a good follower, gotta keep that in mind.

Gotta realize I'm am the same level like every human being on this earth. I am not a level above nor am i a level below. This superiority complex must be overcome. I need so much more humility and empathy. Yup, those 2 qualities are greatly missing in my life. Cocky and arrogant I am, but i hope to be so much better.

Its going to be hard, but no one said its going to be easy. Life on earth is a journey, never a destination. So yup, dream like you will live forever and live like you will die today. Till next time. Cheers~!