Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Unfair and racial in nature

The move that requires Law firms to have at least THREE Bumiputra partners which one of whom must have at least 50% stake before being able to do business with the bank is PURE BULLSHIT and discriminatory. So much for Malaysia being fair to all races and how the new NEP was suppose to help ALL irregardless of religion or race.

Malaysia is going to the dogs, that's for sure. Globalisation is happening and Maybank directors are still stuck with that stupid mindset of "If Bumiputras are in more law firms, our economy would grow". Can someone please educate this fcuktards?

There is this saying which i think its so true. If its a MALAY problem, its a national problem. If its a CHINESE problem, its a racial problem. If its a Indian problem, its no problem (hey hey, I didn't create this saying alright). Malaysia still have a long way to go if we want to achieve racial unity, it's the 50th independence day come this August, and it pains me to see stupid law like this being propose.

Picture of the day:
I got Indian friends =P


Anonymous said...

O_o racial problem huh...ahhaha!

Jian said...

Yeah its real and its happening. Pissing off huh.

Anonymous said...

haha..dude it's true it's true...but u saying out loud...err...wanna get sued ah...

su may said...

racial ar? hahahaha.. that's interesting..

wah, someone very the hot arh. (:

Jian said...

Hey may! hahaha shyy >.<
Hey hendry, sue me? nah!!