- When crossing the road in Canada remember to look left first then right (almost got hit today).
- Becareful of icy areas while walking (don't want to tumble down like a fool do we?)
- When a sign says "Caution: falling ice" remember to take it seriously =_=.
- Zara jackets can't do jack shit in winter (really tempted to get an eskimo's jacket).
- Pray that it snows everyday during winter (the temperature when it snows is around -10 degrees with wind chill, and if it doesn't snow the temperature is around -23 with wind chill. Something to do with the pressure. Go wiki it).
- Halls food make your fart and poop smells funny (might be due to the high consumption of meat maybe?)
- Gay cowboys have a short-life span. The joker is dead, 1 for batman 0 for the joker ( I seriously think he was one of the better actors around, we salute you Heath Ledger)
I like my investment professor. I think he is a brillant man, not to mention a funny one too. Did you know that stocks in the long-run has the same risk as Treasury bills (T-bills) and Bonds? When i say in the long-run i mean 15 years+
And that the average return of stocks is 20%, much higher compare to T-bills and bonds. All this is according to Jeremy Siegel, not my professor mind you ( if he did all that research and came out with that he won't be teaching right?)
With that all said, thus my professor is an aggressive investor, 100% stocks. I don't know how he does it but he have balls. He says he practice what he preach.I mean imagine if you have a portfolio worth 500,000. The market drop by 6% that would cause you to lose 30,000. That takes balls.
Now i'm really interested in finance, in one and a half years time i'll graduate and would be earning my own money. I reckon its time to start researching and what-nots (: A friend of mine suggested gambling, ( he is a year older than me and he is already investing) he says that when you invest you have to be prepared to lose money and not let the chicken little inside you take control of you. Btw, he just got an internship with Credit Suisse.
On to something more interesting, I almost freeze to death while visiting some lake i couldn't even remember the name of.
Braves souls who was foolish enough to venture out when the weather was -23 degrees with windchill.
Picture of the day:
Love you dear (:
# Gay cowboys have a short-life span.
hahahahhahah. mean!
Its true adilah!!!
hows your Intern?
has it ended?
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